
History of the Church

Throughout the seven decades of its history, the Church of God in Cayon has always remained faithful to its motto: “Serving the Community for Christ.” As early as 1946, open air services were started in Cayon at the corner of the main street and Hermitage Road, and as it is vividly recalled, members sometimes stood in the pouring rain with umbrellas up and continued the service as if they stood on dry ground. After a few months, when the time arrived for the Church to be officially launched, a building was rented by the pioneers and services were held twice a week. This building was located on the same site where the Cayon Church of God is currently located in Upper Cayon. Prior to obtaining the building, it was used as a shoemaker’s shop, the owner of that business being Mr Leonard Walwyn. A few people were converted and so the Church of God at Cayon began, which is today one of the fastest growing congregations on the island as well as the largest.

Following its launch and the steady growth of the church during the first two decades, the Cayon Church of God stood out like a beacon and a lighthouse to every neighbour, community member and visiting friend. Many respected her witness and the stand she took for holiness and unity. However, soon after her glory days, the enemy was upset and launched an attack on the church body, causing some of its members to scatter and go elsewhere. A small remnant of believers remained and this situation persisted for approximately three years (1970 – 1973). The once thriving assembly of the Cayon Church of God was now in desperate need of strong and stable leadership and it was in August of 1973 when God stepped in and brought deliverance to the church in the person of Pastor Benjamin Browne, a household name that has now become synonymous with the Cayon Church of God.

Since 1973 to present, despite its challenges, the Cayon Church of God has weathered the many storms, growing spiritually and developing holistically from strength to strength.  Over its years of existence, this church has been engaged in a variety of ministries including open air meetings, revival services, visitation, community outreach services and helps. As a result of her strong witness within the community and federation by extension, the membership soon outgrew the building and renovations and extensions had to be conducted on the current site on three occasions: 1980, 1983 and 1990.

With strong leadership and solid teaching as two of her many outstanding characteristics, the Cayon Church of God has mentored, nurtured and produced a cadre of professionals in their various fields at home and abroad and continues to experience growth and expansion up to this day. As a result, the church is currently in the process of raising funds to erect its new sanctuary in the very near future at the east entrance of the Cayon community next to St Mary Park. As we commemorate this outstanding milestone of 70 years of solid witness, it is important to pause and reflect on the rich history that has brought us to this point, take some time to celebrate our many achievements and successes through the God of the ages who has brought us this far, and prepare for the future with renewed vision and energy from Him to chart our course for the next 70 years. Let us therefore honour and pay tribute to those who have paved the way before us so that those who come behind us may find us faithful.


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