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Believer's Convention 2024

Start Date: 17th – 22nd March 2024


Believer's Convention 2024

Start Date: 17th – 22nd March 2024

Pregnancy Classes

Start Date Tuesday 1st August 2023


Summerfest Online 2023

Living in the Power of Pentecost

Jubilee Anniversary 2023

August 2023

Christian Home and Family Celebrations - May and June 2023

The theme: The Bond is there…..Let’s Strengthen it


Believer's Convention 19th - 24th March 2023

“Faithfulness is all that Matters” 7:30 PM Daily – St. Mary’s Park, Cayon


A Conversation on Dating - 10th February 2023

Christianity & Commitment with Pastors Troy and Deslyn Watson

Church of God St. Kitts - 31st December 2022 and 1st January 2023

A Warm Welcome and a Wonderful Blessing Await you


Church of God St. Kitts - 6th November 2022

Evening of Worship & The Word 6:00 pm Rev. Ivor Davis (Antigua) Speaker


Church of God St. Kitts - 23rd October 2022

Remembering the Past, Celebrating the Present and Charting the Future. Scripture: Psalms 90


The Church of God Movement 1932 - 2022

Remembering the Past, Celebrating the Present and Charting the Future. Scripture: Psalms 90

Caribbean Atlantic Assembly Summerfest - 31st July to 3rd August 2022

‘Untied but United’


Caribbean Atlantic Assembly Summerfest - 31st July to 3rd August 2022

‘Untied but United’


Church of God, St. Kitts Youth Convention - 24th July to 1st August 2022

‘Creating a Joshua Generation’ Scripture passage, Joshua 1 v 2-3 ‘Arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel. Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you.’


Believer's Convention - 27th March to 3rd April 2022

Monday to Friday @ 7:30 pm and Sundays @ 6:00 pm. Link will be provided.

Caribbean Atlantic Assembly - 7th November 2021

Sunday evening, 7th November 2021 @ 6 pm it’s another Caribbean Atlantic Assembly (CAA) Virtual session: Worship and the Word. Link will be provided.

Topic - Dementia: Get Educated: Don't Sigmatise - 31st October 2021

As you are very well aware, this is the Month of the Older Persons when special attention is being given to them.

This is indeed commendable because it’s so easy for those who have made such valid contributions to the well being of their families and the notion to be forgotten. 

Let us therefore cherish the ones who are still with us and help to make their remaining days memorable.

To this end, there will be a special session held on Sunday evening 31st @ 6 pm, on the topic: Dementia: Get Educated: Don’t Stigmatise. 

Message Alert - 9th June 2021

Greetings All.

As a community and as a country we continue to come face to face with the unwanted presence of COVID-19 and endeavour to thwart the spread of the disease. As we are all aware, one super spreader is mass gathering of which church gatherings are no exception.
COVID-19 respects no place and no one, and it has edged its way into several communities here in St. Kitts and attacked without a face, only feeling its presence afterwards.
In light of the most recent report of 25 additional cases within 24 hours, as a community church we believe we can assist in minimising the community spread by placing a temporary pause on physical gathering for worship. Instead, we will continue to use our usual media platforms to share the Word of God and minister in song. The links and updates will be circulated as usual.


Let us continue to pray for our country, and apply wisdom as we go through each day. Mask up, hand-wash up, no close up, and pray up.

May God bless you! From the Cayon Church of God.

Rev. Dr. Ben Browne-Pastor

Easter Program

The Cayon Church of God presents “The Journey to the Cross” live at 6:00 pm 4th April, 2021. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckIm48JuZz4&t=9s


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