Founding Members

Church Founding Members

For the first decade in the life of the Church of God at Cayon, Pastor Wilhelmina Fraser served with distinction and was ably assisted and supported by members such as the Mortons, Pastor Simeon Pennyfeather, the Wades, Sis Turner, and the Mitchams (who came over from the Pilgrim Holiness Church) along with others from the Basseterre congregation.  Any institution that bears the name of a leader is indicative of the strength and quality of its leadership. The Church of God St. Kitts is no exception. It proudly wears the name of the Leader – Pastor Fraser known affectionately to her members as Mother Fraser. Those who knew her, can recall her dignity and poise, her seriousness of purpose and her devotion to God. A figure who commanded the respect of rich and poor alike and a unique quality she possessed – one just did not have the desire to argue with her or refute her counsel. Pastor Fraser must be referred to – not just as a shepherd – but as “a very good Shepherd”.  May God be praised for her labour of love.

Pastor Fraser was succeeded by the late Pastor Maude Bridgewater, who can be characterised as a powerful woman of prayer and faith, very dedicated to the cause of Christ. Originally from Nevis, this humble woman of God came out of a prestigious and well-respected family – the Bridgewaters – and as a result of her influence, made a tremendous impact on the new and thriving Church of God movement bringing stature and recognition to the church; which in those days was referred to as a “sideway church”.

Pastor Bridgewater was a very strong and supportive lieutenant. She was willing to step out of her comfort zone and proved to be a real stalwart in the kingdom. A powerful and dynamic preacher, she served with humility and respect first at Cayon and later at St Pauls. To demonstrate the value and emphasis she placed on prayer, she once made a statement that she would rather go to a prayer meeting than attend a wedding. May God be praised for the fruits of her labour.

Although he served for a very short period of time, this man of God through his leadership and encouragement paved the way for young men like Ezekiel Hull who felt the call to pursue ministry at the West Indies Theological Seminary in Trinidad and is now today an Associate Pastor at the Community Church of God in Newark, New Jersey. It was under his pastorate that the Church of God in Cayon gave birth to a new era, ushering in the arrival of his successor, the Rev Dr Benjamin Browne.

For more than four decades of the church’s lifetime, Pastor Benjamin Browne has been faithfully and consistently serving at the helm of this ship – the Cayon Church of God. In August of 1973, this servant of God arrived in the community of Cayon and since then has never looked back. Under his gifted and dynamic leadership, the church grew from a mere handful of members to a current membership of approximately 200, expanding first in 1980 and again in 1983. During the 1980s the Cayon Church of God expanded its outreach in various ministries, namely the Share and Care Ministry, the Friends of the Saints Ministry, the Hospital Ministry, the Infirmary Ministry and Junior Youth Fellowship. The church continued to experience spiritual growth and her membership increased by leaps and bounds resulting in further expansion in 1990. From the mid-90s to the present, the Cayon Church of God, like many other organizations, has experienced its ups and downs among some of its members. Nevertheless, after seventy (70) years its focus on serving the community and spreading the gospel still remains unwavering, led by its visionarian and under-shepherd, Rev Dr Benjamin Browne, a pastor after God’s own heart. May his legacy live on in the hearts of God’s people for his outstanding and sacrificial service to all.

The Church of God will be eternally grateful to these individuals who not only had a vision but fulfilled the Great Commission to carry the Gospel. Long live the Cayon Church of God as she journeys on for another 70 years… triumphant, alive and well!


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