Junior Praise Ministry

Luke 18:16 – But Jesus called them unto Him and said, “Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not for of such is the Kingdom of God.”

The Vision of Junior Praise was originally birthed by Bro Nigel and Sis Andrea Browne some 27 years ago, following a children’s crusade which was held by the church.  The purpose of this Ministry is to provide an atmosphere for children to learn more about God and express their talent and creativity in song, dance, drama, and other art forms.

Junior Praise caters to children under the age of 12 years.  The leadership endeavours to encourage moral values such as honesty and respect, spiritual values such as being appreciative of  God’s blessings.

Today, sisters Kerry and Indira continue to lead this ministry forward. Junior Praise has expanded numerically over the years while they have been taught how to interact with peers (socialise) and in general, community socialisation.

Long live the Junior Praise Ministry!


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